Diogenes Tlg Software

Diogenes is a tool for searching and browsing the databases of ancient texts, primarily in Latin and Greek, that are published by the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae and the Packard Humanities Institute. It is free software: you are encouraged to modify, improve, and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General. Peter Heslin's Homepage Software Diogenes. Installation for Microsoft Windows. The first time you try to access each of the databases (tlg, phi, etc.), you. I do not think Diogenes can link to those freely available TLG texts. An individual subscription to TLG costs $100 US dollars per year. MUSAIOS Software for TLG and PHI CD-ROMs. Dumont and Randall M. NEWS: We now can accept MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. See Musaios: Ordering and Payment Information for information on credit card payments. 27 May 2010 - Musaios 2010 Release A is now available.

  1. Diogenes Tlg Software Free

I recently had the opportunity to read Christia Mercer’s recent paper on the influence of Teresa of Ávila’s influence on Descartes, along with Kenny Pearce’s interesting discussion of it on the Mod Squad.

Diogenes is a tool for searching, browsing and reading the databases of ancient texts, primarily in Latin and Greek, that are published by the Packard Humanities Institute and the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. There is also a free software package (GPL) called Diogenes, which is not listed on the TLG page. It runs under Mac OS X (10.3 or later), Windows and Linux, and can be set up as a networked server. The installation procedure has been much simplified in recent versions.

Mercer’s discussion of the origins of Descartes’s Meditations reminded me of the following offhand comment from Hiram Caton:

The title and arrangement of the Meditations mimics a genre of devotional literature known as the “hexameron,” which consists of six meditations for the last six days of Lent. His audience would have known that Cardinal Bérulle, who enjoined Descartes to write down his philosophy, had composed a work by the same title, which depicted the devot search for religious truth.

Descartes’s interaction with Bérulle is well-known; a good summary is pp. 183-186 of Gaukroger’s biography of Descartes. But I have never seen any mention of a work of meditations by Bérulle outside of Caton’s article.

In fact, it’s not clear what, if anything, Caton is referring to. (There is no citation for this remark in the original paper.) The 1856 edition of the Oeuvres Completes of Bérulle has no work titled “Meditations.”

He did write several works entitled Elévations, which appear to be regularly classified as meditations. These are:

1. A 17-part Elevation to Jesus.
2. A 17-part Elevation to the Trinity.
3. A 15-Part Elevation to God
4. A 20-chapter Elevation to God, according to St. Madeleine
5. Vows to Jesus and Mary, in 31 parts
6. A Vow to God
7. A Vow to Mary

I have not read these works yet, only skimmed some of them, but none appears to be an obvious precursor to Descartes, much less a devotional hexameron. For now, I think that Caton might have made a mistake or been speaking of a work I have not yet been able to find.

Diogenes Tlg Software[edit]


Scripts for searching classics texts

Diogenes is a set of Perl scripts designed to search the Latin and ancient Greek texts published on CD-Rom by the Packard Humanities Institute and the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. Components include a Perl module, a command-line interface, and a CGI script with an HTTP server that is capable of delivering texts as HTML, PDF or GIF (via LaTeX). You can search by regular expressions, or in the case of the TLG, via the Greek word index. There is also a browser that can search on passages by location.


User manpage available in HTML format from http://www.dur.ac.uk/p.j.heslin/diogenes/Diogenes.pod.html


version 3.2.0 (stable)
released on 26 April 2007


Related Projects

Diogenes Tlg Software


Verified by


Diogenes tlg

Janet Casey

30 August 2001

Leaders and contributors

Peter Heslin Maintainer

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI
Bug Tracking,Developer,SupportE-mailmailto:P.J.Heslin@durham.ac.uk
Debian (Ref)https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/diogenes

Software prerequisites

Required to usePerl 5.005 or later

This entry (in part or in whole) was last reviewed on 9 February 2018.


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Diogenes Tlg Software Free

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